24 Hours of Torture
Man, 24 is starting to bug. They don't even make a pretense of having moral qualms about torture or about basically invading another country against all protocols & international laws. Seriously, man. WTF. Maybe Keifer wants to travel some more. And was it just me, or did Markov (the russian guy) look like Reagan? Like he totally could have played him in a movie. Hm, they don't have the entire cast listed for that on imdb, so I need your help - what's the guy's name? And holy crap, I saw the name Powers Boothe in the credits & I was like "Where do I know that name from?" assuming once I saw him on screen I would go "Ah, that guy" but I didn't so while I was on imdb, I looked him up & holy crap, it can't be Curly Bill from Tombstone can it?? Woah!! Seriously. Two different guys.

Anyhoo, what did you all think of 24? I'm also a little surprised they didn't actually kill off Wayne Palmer. I guess the question is: will he make a surprise recovery & be back in office in the next 4-5 episodes? Or will he just sort of go away & maybe get a "Oh, the president died" in a few hours? Remember how the pres's plane went down 2 or 3 seasons ago & I don't think he died, but he just kind of vanished? Maybe I'm forgetting, but I'm pretty sure that Logan was sworn in b/c the president was incapacitated, not because he died. And then they just never mentioned him again. And is Logan actually creepier with the beard or not? I can't decide.
Labels: 24, Powers Boothe, Tombstone
I tried not to read the whole post because I didn't see 24 yet...not that I'm heart broken about that and from what I did read, it sounds like I wasn't missing much. I'm a little disappointed with this fact, but I suppose it was inevitable.
Last night m and I were in the city visiting some of this friends, so I'm excited to have some built up recorded tv for tonight. I caught parts of what was on, but essentially I haven't seen Prison Break, 24 or Heroes. Then there is Gilmore Girls and Dirt tonight...yay tv.
I had sleeping issues again last night, so though I passed out by 9:30, I was wide awake at 3 to catch Heroes and the Black Donnellys.
PB was GREAT, though I saw it all out of order. Of all the places I expect to see incest THAT was not one of them.
I also enjoyed the Malcolm McDowell action on Heroes. I think they've pretty much got me, now.
Actually, this brings me to point: Lost could take a lesson from both PB and Heroes. The set up a mystery in a couple of episodes, and then they - shock - SOLVE IT. They actually reward their viewers instead of beating the shit out of them, week after week. It's like JJ and company never heard of make up sex. So that leaves me with all the shit and none of the fun of an abusive relationship.
The Hills was also great last night, and Heidi continues to prove herself to be an incredible cunt. Not that any of watch it, but you should.
Tonight is CW night and DIRT, though I'm anticipating working late, going to the gym, and catching it all later.
Yeah, that tears it. I think I'll Netflix Heroes over the summer to catch up in time for premier season.
Have you seen JJ Abrams? I'm not sure he's familiar with sex period, except in an adolescent 14-year-old just-hitting-puberty haveing-random-erections male fashion.
Did you hear about that guy from Laguna Hills getting busted for . . . wait for it . . . UNDERAGE DRINKING?? No! I'm shocked, shocked there is underage drinking going on on those shows!
Jason Wahler... former paramour of LC (aka Lauren Conrad). That was like, his fifth arrest this year. I think I read that the reason he was always driving different cars on Laguna Beach was because he kept getting DUIs and wrecking them. He also never graduated. And, I think I read that when he and LC were breaking up, she had to get a restraining order against.
I know ENTIRELY too much about these people.
feng shui HT, feng shui.
LT 24 is indeed getting annoying, but how about little Ricky Schroeder joining the cast next week!
Heroes was good, but I hate having to wait 8 weeks for a new episode.
And did anyone else notice that they introduced that woman who could read and write email in her brain a few weeks back and then she disappeared?
Hmmm...I forgot about the email hero. Good episode again though last night. I need to catch PB online because I missed the first half of it. The Black Donnellys was ok, nothing super spectacular but entertaining. How come only one of them can drive? Are they supposed to be like 15 and running the neighborhood?
Tonight is the Search for the Next Pussycat Doll reality show. I may take a peeksy.
Oh god, that Pussycat Dolls show looks horrible! You know I'll be watching! The paper said that in the first (or maybe 2nd?) episode, they all get some virus at the same time. I can't wait to see the cattiness (excuse the pun): "I said I had the toilet next!" "I'm still using it! Bleargh!!" "No fair! Everyone else has puked like 3 times and I haven't even gotten to go once!"
Wow, so this little rich boy couldn't buy off his teacherts to graduate? Wait, from high school?? What a fucking loser. Wait, LaChoi dated him??? Oh, Lauren C{whatever}.
YAAAAAYYYYY!!! Ricky Schroder!!
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